Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

war islam salaffi and wahabi

on Islam: "Salafi/Wahabi " Deception

British Channel 4´s Dispatches has produced a scathing documentary, called Undercover Mosque, about the negative influence of Saudi Arabia, through its promotion of Wahhabism, among the Muslim community of Britain. But the video is clear to point out that, "Wahhabism is opposed to the traditional tolerant beliefs of classical Islam". What the video does not cover, however, is that the spread of the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam is part of a larger Western agenda, involving the CIA, to denigrate Islam.

The Wahhabis insinuate themselves as legitimate members of the Muslim community, but Wahhabism was created by the British, in the eighteenth century, to undermine Islam. It has since been promoted by the state of Saudi Arabia, which was originally established by the British to achieve Western control of the world´s primary oil resource. (author, "Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism")

The novelty of the ruse of the Wahhabis is that they do not present themselves as a sect of Islam, but merely as a group within the majority, known as Sunnis, committed to orthodoxy. In Western countries, as pointed out by Stephen Schwartz, in The Two Faces of Islam, the Muslim communities there are newly created, and do not have long-standing traditions of classical Islam.. It is possible, therefore, for Saudi Arabia to move in and dominate the burgeoning communities. Through their immense oil wealth, they have financed the construction of mosques, printed the majority, if not all, of the Muslim literature in English, and have financially backed all the so-called moderate organizations which purportedly represent the interests of the Muslims.

The purpose of promoting Wahhabism is not merely to create the mindset of the terrorist, but to indoctrinate certain Muslims to become aberrations of human beings, exemplifying all that is despicable, including misogyny, ignorance, intolerance and bigotry, as the video painfully exposes. The intent is to create an egregious image of the Muslims, to secure their identity with the prevailing prejudices against them, in order to bring about a Clash of Civilizations, or the so-called War on Terror, in other words, the War on Islam.

This video will certainly inflame hatred among the bigoted right in America and elsewhere, who will surely claim "I told you so " . But more importantly, the message provided in this video is a wake-up call for the Muslims, to recognize the vipers hiding their midsts who have hijacked their religion. It is high time for Muslims to return to the noble principles of their religion, and start acting like the examples the world is waiting to see..

Contrary to their claims though, while it is true that the word "Salaf" refers to these early generations, the use of the term in this manner is a modern development.

This deceptive interpretation of history is derived from Abdul Wahhab, who appeared in the mid-18th century. According to his memoirs, a British spy by the name of Hempher, was assigned to the Middle East in order to discover ways to undermine Islam, with the aim of advancing British control over the region. His mission eventually focussed on the support of Wahhab, and backing him through the Saudi family, through whom he preached the British´s destructive message of Islam.

Essentially, Wahhab´s innovations made it legal for his followers to fight other Muslims, by pronouncing them "unbelievers", under the pretense of "purifying" Islam, but in reality serving British strategy against the great Ottoman Empire. Wahhab did so by claiming that all of Islamic history, except for the generations of the Salaf, that is, from the time of the Math´habs onward, had fallen out of Islam.

Once adherence of the Muslims had been unbound from their traditional legal schools, it was possible for the British and their agents to come in with their own. And this is the purpose of the Salafi movement. The Saudis were then formally installed in Arabia in 1932, and have since acted as protectors of the oil interests of the Rockefellers, who are regarded as second-in-command within the Illuminati, after the Rothschilds. Particularly since 1973, when the Oil Crisis was orchestrated to enrich the Saudis, they have used the tremendous wealth at their disposal to advance their deviant interpretations.

While the Saudis have been under agreement with the CIA to finance many of its covert activities, including the funding of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, and the support of Islamic terrorists worldwide, many of the Saudi scholars as well as the government are putting on a public face of rejecting terrorism and bin Laden. They claim that terrorism and anti-government activities are contrary to the true tenets of Salafism.

This is not true. At times the purpose of Salafism is to inculcate terrorism, but in general, the purpose of Salafism is to provide a new Math´hab, to estrange the world´s Muslim population from traditional Islam, and thereby lead them wherever Western interests deem fit.

It´s important to understand the very special role of Saudi Arabia. First of all, Laurence of Arabia was used to dupe Sharif Hussain of Mecca in combatting the Turks during WWI, only to be tricked, when the British and French negotiated behind the scenes to partition the Middle East among themselves, even though Hussain had been promised to be appointed "King of the Arabs". Saudi Arabia did not fall within this scheming, but a special fate was reserved for it. Instead, it was Ibn Saud, as head of the extremist Wahhabi faction, who was permitted to seize power in that country in 1932. A year later, he signed a deal conferring drilling rights in the country to Rockefeller´s Standard Oil.

Oil production in that country has supposedly shifted into native hands, under the guise of ARAMCO, but in reality, the organization merely acts as a front to hide continuing American control.

In it through this relationship that Saudi Arabia both acts to safeguard the continuing monopoly of one of the world´s most precious resources, and also acting to finance the spread of the British created "Wahhabi" extremism, designed to undermine Islam from within.

Related Reading:

Who or what is a Salafi? Is their approach valid?

What is a Madhhab?
Why is it necessary to follow one?

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